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Healthy Barn Climate
Healthy Animals
Healthy Products

Over Brecalsan

For Dairy Farmers, as well as for every Breeder, it is importantthat the animals are Dry and comfortable in the Barn. Lying and resting Cows give more Milk!

If the lying surfaces are moist and hard, this often leads to abrasions on the Joints and other Parts oft he Body. Other risks include the increased formation of pathogenic Germs, claw diseases and high Cell counts. To keep the lying surfaces dry, take the sprinkles of Straw, Sawdust or Wood shavings and Mix it with Brecalsan. Or just sprinkle it over your favorite bedding Medium with 300 to 500 gr. / qm2.

From this moment Brecalsan unfolds ist multiple effectivness!

  • As a moisture-binding Agent
  • As a Bacteriostatic and killing Agent (klebsiella,MRSA-Staphylococuss Aureus, E-Coli,etc.)
  • It is proofen that also Gram-positive Bacteries will be destroyed
  • Reduces the formation of Ammonia in the Barn-Air
  • Reduces the Emission of methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) caused by slowing down the fermentation process of the manure
  • Otherwise strong Acids or Alkalis beeing used to achieve this effect. The Use of such Agent soften ends with intolerance to the Skin!

On natural Basic

With Brecalsan, a bedding Medium was developed, which is made of different types of lime and minerals, reaching a PH-Value above 11-12.

The Advantage is, it still has a good Skin compatibility!
With Brecalsan it is proven that pathogenic Germs are killed.


Due to the high Protein Content in the manure and the resulting Ammonia and Hydrogene Sulphide, animals can quickly become Suscetible for Disease like Mortellaro and Mastitis.

Pulmonary Diseases, like Pneumonie or Coli-Enterotoxämie, can also be triggered by the high Ammonia Content in the Barn air. With spinkle of the running surfaces and Gap floors with Brecalsan, this process is neutralized.

By regular use, so much lime gets into the manure, that it slows down the fermentation Process (Urease) and thus releases less Emission (CO2) into the Air.

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